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Sorts de l'Ombre

Animate the Dead

  • TN: 20
  • 10 Actions
  • None
  • Permanent
  • Chi: 6

Corruptive: Cast upon the remains of a sentient being, this spell animates the corpse into a Shadowlands undead. If the corpse has been dead longer than one day it revives as a Skeleton, pulling itself upright from any remaining flesh and shedding any excess tissue. Corpses animated less than one day after death become Zombies whose faces are covered by a mystically appearing porcelain mask.

Blood of Midnight

  • TN: 10
  • 1 Action
  • None
  • 8 Actions
  • Chi: 7

Corruptive: Imbues a bloodlust to the target, increasing his/her attack and damage dice by four. The target must spend one round after felling a foe to further butcher the body and taste its blood. Each foe slain increases the duration of this spell by 2 Actions. After the spells duration, the target must make an Honor Test equal to five time the number of foes slain.

Morass of Earth

  • TN: 15
  • 3 Actions
  • Total
  • 4 Actions
  • Chi: 7

Corruptive: If successful the earth within three feet of the target of this spell transforms to deep mud which begins swallowing all within its radius at a rate of two feet per action. Characters trying to escape must make Earth roll of TN 15 to move three feet. Attempts to move (successful or not) cause the character to sink an additional foot unless a Water roll at TN of 10 or greater is made. Once to the edge it takes an Earth roll equal to a TN of five times the number of feet submerged to pull free. Anyone in the morass at the end of the spells duration must be dug from the earth. Each Raise increases the radius of the morass by three feet. This spells duration cannot be shortened. Should the Shugenja lose concentration, the Morass is dispelled and the ground slowly firms up, giving those trapped ample opportunity to escape.

Summon Undead Champion

  • TN: 20
  • 5 Actions
  • None
  • 20 Actions
  • Chi: 20

Corruptive, Single Use: This spell summons an Undead Champion who thereafter fights for, and obeys, the Shugenja until the duration of the spell ends. The Shugenja can permanently enlist the Undead Champion (making the spell permanent), but must permanently sacrifice one point of his/her Earth trait to enlist the Undead Champion. If enlisted, the Champion thereafter fights and obeys the Shugenja until destroyed or the Shugenja dies.

Undead Champion: Shadowlands Undead

Earth 5, Fire 4, Water 2, Air 2, Attack 4+2, Damage weapon’s DR + 5, TN to Hit: 15, Armor 7, Wounds per level 15 (as PC).

Touch of Death

  • TN: 20
  • 2 Action
  • NA
  • NA
  • Chi: 7

Corruptive: Strikes the target touched with lethal Chi. The spell reduces the targets Wound Level by one die (D10). The skin and hair of the target age rapidly under the influence of this spell. The hair loses all color, turning white and falling out in great clumps, while the skin blackens as the flesh ages too rapidly to fall away.

Summon Garegosu no Bakemono

  • TN: 15
  • 5 Actions
  • None
  • #
  • Chi: 20

Corruptive, Single Use: Successfully cast, this spell summons a tentacle-horror known as Garegosu no Bakemono who thereafter fights for, and obeys, the Shugenja until the sun rises. The Shugenja involved need never fear Garegosu no Bakemono.

Garegosu no Bakemono: Shadowlands Creature

Earth 3, Fire 3, Water 4, Air 2, Attack 3+1, Damage Earth Trait + 5, TN to Hit: 15, Armor 7, Wounds: 9: -1; 20: -2; 35: Dead

Special Abilities

Eating: Each time the Garegosu no Bakemono kills an opponent it consumes the body and adds the digested meal’s former Earth trait to its own (increasing its damage and wounds).

Fear: Garegosu no Bakemono is a horrific creature resembling a large cancerous octapus about the size of a elephant. Whenever anyone sees Garegosu no Bakemono for the first time they must make a simple Willpower check at TN of 15 or flee from its sight. Witnessing a Garegosu no Bakemono eating requires another Willpower check at TN of 20 or flee from its sight.

Summon Swamp Spirits

  • TN: 10
  • 2 Actions
  • None
  • 25 Actions
  • Chi: 8

Corruptive: The spell must be cast near a still body of water. Calls forth minions of the swamps. These swamp spirits are blue-green humanoids looked to be made of the clay found at the bottom of Rokugan’s swamps. The spell calls forth one swamp spirit and one additional one swamp spirit can be summoned per Raise, but this increases the Time by one action.

Swamp Spirit: Shadowlands Creature

Earth 1, Fire 2, Water 3, Air 1, Attack 2+1, Damage 2 + 1, TN to Hit: 10, Armor 3, Wounds: 4: -1; 10: Dead

Stealing the Soul

  • TN: 15
  • 2 Actions
  • Full
  • 8 Actions
  • Chi: 6

Ritual Corruptive: The spell’s target a loses one from each trait and sub-trait for each Shugenja participating in the ritual until the duration expires (no trait or sub-trait can be reduced by one).

Summon Nightstalker

  • TN: 15
  • 10 Actions
  • None
  • #
  • Chi: 20

Corruptive, Single Use: Summons a Nightstalker which on susequent nights equal to the Shugenja’s Elemental Mastery of Void visits the target and attempt to kill him/her. The Nightstalker continues to visit each night even if killed. Only killing the Shugenja who cast the spell will end the visits before the duration expires.

Nightstalker: Shadowlands Creature

Earth 4, Fire 3, Water 2, Air 2, Attack 3+2, Damage: Bite 5 + 5, TN to Hit: 15, Armor 5, Wounds: 10: -1; 20: -2; 30: -3; 40: Dead

Special Abilities

Hunting: A Nightstaker can find its prey anywhere. It can become immaterial if necessary to reach its target.


  • TN: 10
  • reactive
  • na
  • instant
  • Chi: #

Corruptive: Cast upon a shugenja while they cast a spell. This targetted shugenja suffers wounds up to the Chi cost of the spell he/she is casting or the Chi spent by this shugenja (whichever is lower).

© VFL 1999-11-14T18:00 CEST

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