by Georg Essl
This is a complete index of all Blood Bowl rules. Its purpose is to make it easier to find the rules in both the original Blood Bowl and Death Zone rulebooks and to add clarifications if needed.
One of the main goals in writing this index was to make it easy to cope with situations being questioned during a game.
This paper contains material which is copyrighted by Games Workshop Ltd. All rights are reserved.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
How to use this index
I tried to write this index in a way that it is possible to find terms independent of
their relation to others. However it may be possible that your strategy of looking for a term
is not successful. I suggest the following strategy:
- Look for the term in the order you would say it. eg. Look for `Picking up the ball' instead of `ball, Picking up'.
- Look for the most important term in the sentense you want to find.
In the index, text written in brackets `()' describe the reference to the original rulebooks.
BB is the original Blood Bowl rulebook and DZ is the original Death Zone rulebook.
If the reference is bold (eg. (BB 17)) then this page contains the definition or
the definition and the description of the term.
If the reference is emphatic (eg. (DZ 13)) then this page contains the description of
the term.
And if the reference is normal (eg. (BB 42)) then this page contains the word as part of the
If there is a reference into the index itself it will be emphatic (eg. Chef, See Master Chef.).
- Action (BB 7) (BB 25)
- Move (BB 8) (BB 7)
- Block (BB 9-10) (BB 7) (BB 14) (BB 23)
- Blitz (BB 9) (BB 7)
- Pass (BB 12-13) (BB 24) (BB 7) (BB 14)
- Foul (BB 25)
- AG [Agility] (BB 5)
- Agility [AG] (BB 5)
- Table (BB 8) (BB 13)
- Alchemist [Dwarf] (DZ 5)
- Apothecary (DZ 6)
- Roll (DZ 6)
- Cure (DZ 6)
- Niggling Injuries (DZ 6)
- Injuries& death (DZ 6)
- & Undead Teams (DZ 25-26)
- Arguing an Illegal Procedure Call (BB 16-17)
- Armour Roll (BB 11) (BB 25)
- Armour Value [AV] (BB 5) (BB 11) (BB 25)
- Assistant Coach (BB 37) (DZ 14)
- Assisting [Assist]
- a Block (BB 23)
- a Foul (BB 25)
- AV (BB 5) (BB 11) (BB 25)
- Ball
- Bouncing (BB 13) (BB 6)
- Catching (BB 12) (BB 6) (BB 14) (BB 20)
- & Chain (DZ 8-9)
- Fumble (BB 21)
- Handing-off (BB 20)
- Interception (BB 21)
- Passing (BB 12-13) (BB 14)
- Picking up (BB 8) (BB 14)
- Blitz Action (BB 9)
- Block
- Action (BB 9-10) (BB 14) (BB 23)
- Results (BB 10) (BB 14)
- Dice (BB 9) (BB 5)
- Number of (BB 9)
- Skill (BB 14) (DZ 10)
- Blunderbuss [Chaos Dwarf] (DZ 7-8)
- Bomb (DZ 7)
- Bouncing Ball (BB 13) (BB 6)
- Box
- Dead & Injured (BB 5)
- Knocked Out (BB 5)
- Reserve (BB 5)
- Buying
- Assistant Coaches (DZ 20)
- Cheerleaders (DZ 20)
- Coaching Stuff (BB 16) (DZ 4) (DZ 20)
- Fan Factor (BB 16)
- Freebooters (DZ 18)
- Players (BB 16)
- Starplayers (BB 17) (DZ 6) (DZ 27) (DZ 28)
- Team Re-Rolls (BB 16)
- Casualties [CAS] (DZ 16)
- Catching the Ball (BB 12) (BB 6) (BB 14) (BB 20)
- Chainsaw (BB 18)
- Challenges (DZ 22)
- Chaos (DZ 29-30) (DZ 34)
- Mutation (DZ 17) (DZ 29)
- Player Types (DZ 34)
- Special Rules (DZ 17) (DZ 29)
- Chaos Dwarfs (DZ 26) (DZ 34)
- Blunderbuss (DZ 7-8)
- Player Types (DZ 34)
- Characteristics
- AG [Agility] (BB 5)
- AV [Armour Value] (BB 5) (BB 11) (BB 25)
- Increases (DZ 17)
- MA [Movement Allowance] (BB 5) (BB 7) (BB 8) (DZ 15)
- ST [Strength] (BB 5) (BB 23)
- Cheerleaders (DZ 14)
- Chef [Halfling], See Master Chef.
- Coach (BB 3) (BB 16) (BB 37)
- Coaching Stuff (BB 16) (BB 37) (DZ 4)
- Apothecary (DZ 6) (BB 37)
- Assistant Coach (DZ 14) (BB 37)
- Cheerleaders (DZ 14) (BB 37-38)
- Wizard (DZ 4-5)
- Coin [Kick-Off] (BB 3)
- Toss (BB 3) (BB 6) (BB 14)
- Completions [COMP] (DZ 16)
- Creating a
- Blood Bowl Team (BB 16-17) (DZ 4) (DZ 14)
- Cure, See Apothecary. (DZ 6)
- Niggling Injuries (DZ 6)
- Injuries& death (DZ 6)
- Dark Elves (BB 46) (BB 49)
- Player Types (BB 49)
- Dead & Injured Box (BB 5)
- Death-Roller [Dwarf] (BB 9)
- Dice
- Block (BB 9-10)
- Number of (BB 9)
- Results (BB 10)
- Dodge
- Modifiers (BB 8)
- Roll (BB 8) (BB 15)
- Skill (BB 14) (BB 10) (DZ 11)
- Dugouts (BB 5)
- Dead & Injured Box (BB 5)
- Kocked Out Box (BB 5)
- Re-Rolls (BB 5)
- Reserve Box (BB 5)
- Turn Track (BB 5)
- Dwarfs (BB 43) (BB 50)
- Alchemist (DZ 5)
- Death-Roller (BB 9)
- Player Types (BB 50)
- Special Rules (DZ 5)
- End of a Team's Turn (BB 7) (BB 13)
- End Zones (BB 3)
- Extra Moves (BB 25)
- Fan Factor (BB 16) (DZ 20)
- Buying (BB 16)
- Table (DZ 20)
- Fireball Spell (DZ 4)
- Flip the Kick-off Coin, See Toss.
- Follow Up (BB 10)
- Football, See Ball. (BB 5) (BB 12) (BB 37)
- held by player (BB 5)
- on the playfield RRR
- Foul
- Action (BB 25)
- Modifiers (BB 25)
- Freebooters (DZ 18)
- Fumble (BB 21)
- of the ball (BB 21)
- of a thrown player (DZ 13)
- Game
- League (DZ 14-20)
- One-Off (BB 6) (DZ 14)
- Setting Up (BB 6)
- Tournament (DZ 21-24)
- Gate (DZ 19) (DZ 18)
- Goblin Pogo Stick (BB 19)
- Goblins (DZ 28) (DZ 33)
- & Orcs (DZ 28)
- Player Types (DZ 33)
- Special Rules (DZ 5) (DZ 27)
- & Trolls (DZ 30)
- Going for it (BB 25)
- Gold Pieces [gps] (BB 16-17) (DZ 17) (DZ 18) (DZ 19) (DZ 30)
- gp, See gps.
- gps [Gold Pieces] (BB 16-17) (DZ 17) (DZ 18) (DZ 19) (DZ 30)
- Halflings (DZ 27) (DZ 33)
- Master Chef (DZ 5)
- Player Types (DZ 33)
- Special Rules (DZ 5) (DZ 27)
- & Treeman (DZ 30)
- Half-Way Line (BB 3)
- Handicap (DZ 19)
- Table (DZ 19)
- Handing-off the Ball (BB 20)
- Head Coach (BB 16) (BB 3) (BB 37)
- High Elves (BB 47) (BB 50)
- Player Types (BB 50)
- Hire Freebooters (DZ 18)
- Holding the football (BB 5)
- Humans (BB 44-45) (BB 50)
- Player Types (BB 50)
- Illegal Procedure (BB 7)
- Arguing (BB 16-17)
- Injury (BB 11)
- Cure (DZ 6)
- Roll (BB 11)
- Serious (BB 11) (DZ 15)
- Roll (DZ 15)
- Interception (BB 21)
- Modifier (BB 21)
- Starplayer Points (DZ 16)
- Kicking Team (BB 5)
- Kick-Off (BB 6)
- Coin (BB 3)
- Roll (BB 6)
- Table (BB 22)
- Roll (BB 22)
- Knock Down (BB 10) (BB 11) (BB 8)
- Knocked Out Box (BB 5)
- Landing (BB 24)
- League (DZ 14-20)
- Commissioner (DZ 14) (DZ 21)
- Lightning Bolt Spell (DZ 5)
- Line of Scrimmage (BB 3)
- MA [Movement Allowance] (BB 5) (BB 7) (BB 8) (DZ 15)
- Master Chef [Halfling] (DZ 5)
- Roll (DZ 5)
- Maximum number of
- Players
- on the field (BB 6)
- on the Roster (BB 16) (DZ 14)
- Starplayers on the Roster (BB 17) (DZ 6)
- Minimum number of
- Players
- on the field (BB 6)
- on the Roster (BB 16) (DZ 14)
- Minotaur (DZ 30)
- Most Valuable Player [MVP] (DZ 16)
- Move Action (BB 8)
- Leaving Tackle Zone (BB 8)
- Dodge Roll (BB 8) (BB 14)
- Movement Allowance [MA] (BB 5) (BB 7) (BB 8) (DZ 15)
- Mutation (DZ 17) (DZ 29)
- Chaos (DZ 17) (DZ 29)
- Skaven (DZ 17)
- MVP, See Most Valuable Player.
- Necromancer (DZ 5) (DZ 25-26)
- Raise the Dead (DZ 5) (DZ 26)
- Niggling Injuries (DZ 6) (DZ 15) (DZ 19)
- Non-Actions
- Assisting
- a Block (BB 23)
- a Foul (BB 25)
- Catching the Ball (BB 12) (BB 6) (BB 14) (BB 20)
- Handing-off the Ball (BB 20)
- Interception (BB 21)
- Landing (BB 24)
- Picking up the Ball (BB 8) (BB 14)
- Modifiers (BB 8)
- Ogres (BB 47)
- Orcs (BB 42) (BB 49)
- & Goblins (DZ 28)
- Player Types (BB 49)
- Special Rules (DZ 28)
- Pass Action (BB 12-13) (BB 24) (BB 14)
- Range (BB 12) (BB 24)
- Target (BB 12) (BB 24)
- Pass Skill (BB 14) (DZ 12)
- Passing Roll (BB 12-13) (BB 24)
- Modifiers (BB 13) (BB 12) (BB 24)
- Passing
- the Ball (BB 12-13) (BB 14)
- a small team-mate (BB 24) (BB 14)
Penalty Roll (BB 18) (BB 19) (DZ 7-9)
Performing Actions (BB 7)
Picking up the Ball (BB 8) (BB 14)
- Modifiers (BB 8)
Picture of
- Playing Field (BB 3) (BB 34)
Plastic Range Ruler (BB 5)
Play Sequence (BB 7)
Player (BB 3) (BB 35)
- Buying (BB 16) (DZ 20)
- Holding the football (BB 5)
- Landing (BB 24)
- Maximum number of, See Maximum number.
- Minimum number of, See Minimum number.
- Most Valuable [MVP] (DZ 16)
- Re-Roll (BB 14)
- Retire (DZ 20)
- Selecting a Random (BB 22)
- Setup (BB 6)
- Star (BB 17) (BB 29) (BB 31) (BB 33) (DZ 6) (DZ 3) (DZ 15) (DZ 16)
- Throwing (BB 24)
- Types (BB 16)
- Quantity (BB 16) (BB 49) (BB 50) (DZ 33) (DZ 34)
Playing Field (BB 3) (BB 34)
- End Zones (BB 3)
- Half-Way Line (BB 3)
- Line of Scrimmage (BB 3)
- picture of (BB 3)
- Wide-Zone (BB 3)
Pogo Stick (BB 19)
Poisoned Dagger (DZ 9)
Push Back (BB 10)
Physical Abilities (DZ 17)
Raise the Dead Spell [Necromancer] (DZ 5) (DZ 26)
Random Player
- Selecting (BB 22)
Range Ruler (BB 5)
Receiving Team (BB 6)
- Counter (BB 6)
- Player (BB 14)
- Team (BB 14)
- Buying (BB 16) (DZ 20)
- Track (BB 5)
Reserve Box (BB 5)
Retired Players (DZ 20)
Roster Sheet (BB 3) (BB 16) (DZ 14)
Ruler [Range] (BB 5)
- Roll (BB 3) (BB 6) (BB 13) (BB 8)
- Template (BB 3)
Score Marker (BB 15)
Secret Weapons (BB 18-19) (DZ 7-9)
- Ball & Chain (DZ 8-9)
- Bomb (DZ 7)
- Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss (DZ 7-8)
- Chainsaw (BB 18)
- Dwarf Death-Roller (BB 9)
- Goblin Pogo Stick (BB 19)
- Poisoned Dagger (DZ 9)
Selecting a Random Player (BB 22)
Sequence of Play (BB 7)
Serious Injury (BB 11) (DZ 15)
- Roll (DZ 15)
Setup of Players (BB 6)
Sheet [Team Roster] (BB 16) (DZ 14)
Skaven (BB 44) (BB 49)
- Mutation (DZ 17)
- Player Types (BB 49)
- Special Rules (DZ 17)
Skills (BB 14) (BB 19-20) (DZ 10-13)
- New (DZ 17)
Special Play Cards (DZ 3) (DZ 19)
- Fireball (DZ 4)
- Lightning Bolt (DZ 5)
- Raise the Dead (DZ 5) (DZ 26)
- Zap! (DZ 4)
SPP, See Starplayer Points.
ST [Strength] (BB 5) (BB 23)
Starplayer (BB 17) (BB 29) (BB 31) (BB 33) (DZ 6) (DZ 3) (DZ 15) (DZ 16)
- Buying (BB 17) (DZ 20) (DZ 27) (DZ 28)
- on the Team Roster (BB 17) (DZ 16)
- Points (DZ 15-16)
Roll (DZ 15) (DZ 16-17) (DZ 19)
Strength [ST] (BB 5) (BB 23)
Tackle Zone (BB 8)
- Creating (BB 16-17) (DZ 14)
- Kicking (BB 5)
- Rating (DZ 17) (DZ 19)
- Receiving (BB 6)
- Re-Roll (BB 14)
- Buying (BB 16) (DZ 20)
- Turn (BB 7)
- End (BB 7) (BB 13)
Team Roster Sheet (BB 16) (DZ 14)
Teams (BB 42-47)
- Chaos (DZ 29-30) (DZ 34)
- Chaos Dwarfs (DZ 26) (DZ 34)
- Dark Elves (BB 46) (BB 49)
- Dwarfs (BB 43) (BB 50)
- Goblins (DZ 28) (DZ 33)
- Halflings (DZ 27) (DZ 33)
- High Elves (BB 47) (BB 50)
- Humans (BB 44-45) (BB 50)
- Orcs (BB 42) (BB 49)
- Skaven (BB 44) (BB 49)
- Undead (DZ 25-26) (DZ 34)
- Wood Elves (DZ 31) (DZ 33)
- Scatter (BB 3)
- Throw-In (BB 3)
Throw-In (BB 13) (BB 3)
- Roll (BB 3)
- Template (BB 3)
- the Football, See Passing the ball.
- a team-mate, See Passing a small team-mate.
Toss the Kick-Off Coin (BB 3) (BB 6) (BB 15)
Touchback (BB 6)
Touchdown (BB 15) (BB 7)
- Counter [Score Marker] (BB 15)
- Starplayer Points (DZ 16)
Tournement (BB 32) (DZ 21-24)
Treasury (BB 16) (DZ 17) (DZ 19)
Treeman (DZ 30)
Troll (DZ 30)
Turn Counter [Turn Marker] (BB 7) (BB 6) (BB 15)
- Moving (BB 7) (BB 15)
Turnover (BB 7) (BB 13)
Turn Track (BB 5)
Types of Players (BB 16)
- Quantity (BB 16) (BB 49) (BB 50) (DZ 33) (DZ 34)
Undead (DZ 25-26) (DZ 34)
- Necromancer (DZ 5) (DZ 25-26)
- Player Types (BB 34)
- Special Rules (DZ 17)
Weapon [Secret] (BB 18-19) (DZ 7-9)
Weather Table (BB 20) (DZ 18)
Wide-Zone (BB 3)
Winning the Toss (BB 3) (BB 6) (BB 15)
Wizards (DZ 4-5)
- Alchemist (DZ 5)
- & Dwarfs (DZ 5)
- & Halflings (DZ 5)
- Master Chef (DZ 5)
- Necromancer (DZ 5) (DZ 25-26)
- & Undead (DZ 5) (DZ 26)
Wood Elves (DZ 31) (DZ 33)
- Player Types (DZ 33)
Zap! Spell (DZ 4)